
Keeping Your Business Safe by Keeping Services Separate

A key concept we will be utilizing throughout this entire project is compartmentalization, where each of our critical business services like content distribution, web hosting and payment processing are all handled through different accounts on different services.

This is particularly important for anyone actually selling adult content, but should be employed by ANYONE who uses adult themes in their business.

Another way to look at it: The place where the money is moved is NEVER the same as the place as the content is moved.

The only exception to that is fan sites, where there is a payment processor and content distributor bundled together, but through a special system, where the payment processor is directly involved in verifying compliance with adult content distribution laws. That is not the only way to legally distribute adult content. Far from it. In fact, it is a relatively new way. We'll explore working with "High Risk" payment processors like CCBill directly, in the password protected portion of the training.

We're going to review some of the ways that content sellers can get their accounts shut down, as well as some best practices for ensuring that doesn't happen. It WILL happen though, and we need to prepare for that. Along with compartmentalization, another core concept that will help us stay safe is redundancy. We we will be using multiple different services that can be used interchangeably and independently. This is one of the reasons why I strongly recommend purchasing two domains, even from the beginning.

We're also going to learn how to take Manual Payment Authorizations over video chat, which are an incredibly secure payment method that works independently of any card processor. So if a client has a recurring charge and an account with the current processor gets shut down, you can SWITCH OVER to the other processor, without the client doing anything.

If you take that compartmentalization concept and apply it to this project:

These aren't the only rules, but they are some of the big ones. The best way to explain this concept further is to show examples. So each step in the training modules will discuss how compartmentalization is used in that step, and important considerations to prevent getting your accounts shut down. 

Return to review the Key Concepts before completing the first step in the training module.